Chemtrail? Contrails? Exhaust? How important is language. Well I’m going to use a word and let’s see what things it conjures up in the mind. You think about what you see when I mention the words too… Chemtrails; Evil government elite, geoengineering, conspiracy theories, tinfoil hats, aliens... Let’s try another word, Environmentalist. This conjures up tree hugger/hippie, socially minded, overly concerned about things that don’t really matter. How about Air Pollution, this one, well… automobile exhaust, gas vs electric cars or bio-fuels that burn clean and industry exhaust stacks. Lastly let’s look at Contrail, and this takes me to airplane wingtip streams or the condensation on the exhaust but harmless. What am I even bringing this up for… well a while back I watched a video on YouTube that offered up the idea that chemtrails didn’t exist from a POV that I hadn’t heard of yet. I almost didn’t watch it because I was sold on the idea of chemtrails and what ideas come with it, because I am always looking up at the sky and would see white lines that would checker the sky and linger for hours turning the sky this hazy hue or shimmer. But I made myself watch it because I want to always have an open mind and accept change if there is reason to. (ask me for the link and I’ll share it with you) After watching it I realized that I’d never done much research into chemtrails… nothing outside of just hearing what other people thought they were and about soil tests offering results of chemical compounds that were harmful. Matter fact I’d not done any research on any of it, the air pollution caused by aircraft engine exhaust or contrails for that matter. But I knew that subscribing to the chemtrail conspiracy theory always left me with a feeling of hopelessness regarding not being able to do a thing about them. Not too many people take the idea seriously either... And if there’s nothing to do about them then why try and research them, just rest in the anxiety of their existence. Well that sounds like a party... smh. But as I am journeying thru this life I notice that things that I don’t even realize I’m questioning, over time get answered. This video offered up research that answered some questions I’d been having about chemtrails and their validity. The questions I had weren’t really even fully formed but they were regarding me not seeing the white lines in the sky as a kid. The video offered up old newspaper articles from the 1940’s, during war time, and where airplane fighting was concentrated there were white lines that were left, that would linger for hours. (contact me for the link) Because of this I was inspired to do some research into air travel in general. How many planes flew over the earth in a year(1), aircraft fuel(2), contrails(3), the smog created(4) and how toxic jet fuel exhaust is(5). Because even though I didn’t subscribe to the chemtrail conspiracy theory of the government elite spraying citizens to cause harm any longer, I couldn’t shake feeling that the white lines left in the skies were somehow benign now and not worth even researching. I understood smog from automobile exhaust was literally a killer in concentration and the same at least must apply to aircraft. Right? The research went slowly, mostly because I didn’t even know how to verbalize what I wanted to know yet. I just kind of thought on it for a couple weeks and then started in online. I found a website that offered what I could find as the most recent flight data and that was from 2010. It said that there were 30 million commercial flights in one year… wait, what? Ok that’s a huge number and it was specific to just commercial flights? So, that meant that there were more than 30 million because for an accurate count, one would need to include private aircraft and military aircraft. Another link shows flight patterns, over a year and that visual struck me! I’m looking at it from above and its grids so below them would look the same… it matched what I was seeing in the sky from below the flight patterns and believed to be chemtrails. From finding this link I was on a roll and found 4 others that helped me understand why language is so important. I’ll link them at the end of the blog and I would encourage you to spend some time considering them. This is what this research led me to see. Because the word chemtrails is linked to conspiracy theory, environmentalist is linked to tree hugging overly socially conscious hippies; because air pollution, ironically, didn’t make me think of aircraft but automobiles and contrails are harmless the topic of pollution or smog from aircraft travel is practically ignored in any real sense. My guess as to why, because the chemtrail conspiracy theorists and the environmentalists don’t realize that they could both be concerned about the same thing, because if the trail left in the sky by aircraft disappears then its harmless. They don’t come together and so won’t be taken seriously enough to enact change. Because it’s not that there’s nothing to be concerned about with the trails left in the sky… but it’s also not some evil conspiracy by the governmental elite to cause citizens harm (even if they do intend us harm thru policies and laws)… It is that the people who do see the white lines in the sky that spread out and turn into a cloud covering haze, refer to it inappropriately and it is the aircraft that fly, seemingly nonstop, flight patterns all over the earth having no regulations for the fuels they use to complete those flights coating the skies in toxic exhaust fumes. It’s not chemtrails, as in planes outfitted by the governmental elite with toxic chemicals and sprayed by these special planes daily to accomplish a nefarious scheme. (even if they may have many of these kinds of schemes) It’s not contrails that are harmless condensation and therefore the citizenry should just desensitize to it and be apathetic. When it’s chemtrails everyone looks up and shakes their fist at the sky and feels helpless. Screaming “damn you evil governmental elite” When it’s just contrails people just brush it off and cry foul about the people who say it’s chemtrails. Something important to remember is, whether or not the white trail left by aircraft lingers or disappears, it's is toxic. Please understand, the white lines covering and coating the skies are harmful… just as harmful, if not more harmful than automobile exhaust that pollutes our land as a toxic brown haze hovering over cities. But the difference I found between realizing these differences in words and learning aircraft statistics was that the burden of harm lies with man for its demand for this form of travel. Mans demand for air travel and the lack of scrutiny over the fuels used and how their exhausts effect the air quality. Because if you are concerned about such things you are a hippie environmentalist overly concerned about nonsense. So, this shows me that there actually is something each one of us can do to contribute to lessening how much air travel there is… we aren’t helpless and don’t need to be hopeless about not being able to stop it. Man has always preferred to pass the buck, place blame onto someone or something else… imagine if everyone who cared about and believed in chemtrails stopped flying in aircraft… what if we understood language better and the people who are livid at “chemtrails” could come together with the people who are livid environmentalists and see that they share a common concern. Or what if we realized that the Creator is in charge of the weather and man can’t usurp that power and the evil governmental elite are experts in spreading fear to people who believe they can…. As of this update to this blog, 4/25/2020 we have seen the skies clear up dramatically because the covid19 panic created social distancing making small tubes filled with people sitting practically on top of each other a big no no… So tell me this, if it were a nefarious scheme and the planes only have two pilots and a rigged aircraft to spray as they fly, why are the skies clearing up? It doesn’t make sense that the skies would clear up if there were special chemtrail planes… it does make sense if its from the worlds normal aircraft travel, from commercial, private and military that all of the white lines and hazy skies, are slowing and or practically stopping too. What will you do with this information? What I did was find peace from it. I hope it offers you the same. Trust that the Creator, YHVH, God is in charge and walk in His Way while you trust… this is the peace that passes understanding. (1)Every Plane Flight in the World Over One Year [Animated Map] (2)Air Pollution Emissions From Jet Engines (PDF) There’s Barium and Aluminum in jet exhaust? (3)Why do jets leave a white trail in the sky? (4)Environmentalists spar with EPA on jet engine exhaust, air pollution (5)Sunlight May Turn Jet Exhaust Into Toxic Particles
Ava Anderson-Kemper
6/5/2018 09:52:50 pm
Geoengineering. I had subscribed to Geoengineeringwatch for years until last week. I couldn't listen to his hatred of Israel anymore. It is more than just jet exhaust, it is weather manipulation and warfare. Even Iran has confronted the U.N. in regard to it, but that is still just one of many factors that are destroying the planet.
1/11/2019 04:39:05 pm
I just bought and read the Hebrew Matthew.... So good! I don't disagree that geoengineering happens but I believe based off of my research here that the majority of what we see in the skies is from the commercial, private, military and public planes crisscrossing our skies.
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